cultural XR
A 3-part event which brings together XR professionals, cultural institutions and artists from all-over Europe
This is
an open call
To bring together European individuals, organizations and entities from the cultural and artistic spaces that have an active interest or are involved in XR projects in their field.

Watch your idea
take (VIRTUAL) form
The goal
Our goal is to advance collaborative efforts within the cultural space, specifically in terms of adopting new approaches in cultural storytelling or the arts, by means of new media and XR technologies.
Keen on cultural storytelling?
You are welcome
to get involved
Metalogues2022 is a cross-discipline event that will unfold in 3 parts throughout the year
3 day XR
04 - 06 Jul
In this 3-day online workshop event you will have the opportunity to learn about the latest technologies, projects and collaborations between the cultural space and XR applications, as well as formulate your own idea into a unique proposal, with a chance to be developed into a proof of concept project, by an expert XR industry partner.
Lectures and presentations around XR technologies
Examples from cultural XR projects and their breakdown
Discussion of individual ideas and evaluation of their potential.
Consultation with an XR industry experts.
Guidance on how to build on your idea and develop it into a viable, working prototype.
Total of 9 hours over 3 days (during the afternoon, CET).
08 Jul
An all-day online XR event, where experts from all over Europe will present concepts, projects and ideas, and discuss about the state of the cultural XR space. The workshop participants will present their concepts, where at least 3 projects will be selected to be developed for the BEYOND Expo.
Talks and roundtable discussions on the available XR technologies.
Examples from the gaming / entertainment industry, new media and artistic collaborations.
Speed networking meetings and group talks.
Presentation and selection of the featured workshop projects.
Selected projects will be matched with an appropriate XR professional or company, to collaborate and produce a working proof of concept.
29 Sept - 01 Oct
Thessaloniki, Greece
BEYOND Expo is a focal point for developing companies active in new technologies. It will host a dedicated pavilion for the Metalogues2022 project where 4 concepts will be presented. Additional workshops, talks and presentations will also be held during the 3-day exhibit.
Presentation of working proofs of concept at a dedicated pavilion.
Networking and collaboration opportunities.
Talks and lectures from XR industry experts.
Workshops around AR and VR with leading professionals.
Empowering cultural XR collaborations
The selected
Metalogues2022 will be presenting the selected projects during the BEYOND Expo.
Etude for
Virtual Space
by Alexandros Spyrou in collaboration with Cooperative Innovations
by Dr. Markella-Elpida Tsichla & Maria Terpsidou in collaboration with Cooperative Innovations
Sense of Space CEO
Co-Founder and CEO of Sense of Space, leading teams, building tools and technologies for the future of the Metaverse and 3D Data Streaming. As an entrepreneur, designer and a researcher, Victor worked with several research groups, international studios and companies, showcasing and launching digital products and projects in more than 13 countries.
EL-GABAL Co-founder
Co-founder of EL-GABAL, Antoine is the creator of GAÏA; a white label SaaS allowing to create and deploy Metaverse worlds on any device. Serial entrepreneur and innovation guru, Antoine has served in many industries and started working with virtual reality 20 years ago as a simulation expert and founding member of the VRML.
Scientific associate / curator
Curator and art historian. Has curated exhibitions at institutions of contemporary and media art worldwide since 2006. As of 2019 has started a research in curatorial studies on the “virtual condition” and its implications in the exhibition space at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, and as acting head of the international collaboration project entitled Beyond Matter at ZKM | Karlsruhe.
Co-Founder & CEO Radiance VR, Director & Head Curator peer to space
Co-founder of Radiance VR, Artistic Director of the VR ART PRIZE, Founder of the SALOON Berlin. With her independent exhibition platform peer to space she has been curating and organizing international group shows since 2010. She is a PhD Candidate at The University of Art and Design Linz, Austria and a lecturer for Digital Art History at the University of Applied Sciences in Bielefeld, Germany.
Ljiljana (Lilyana)
Researcher and curator at the Street Art Belgrade
Art historian, MA in Mangement in Culture and Cultural Policy in the Balkans at the University of Arts in Belgrade, MA in Art Hitory at the University of Belgrade, PHD Candidate at the University of Jyväskylä in Finlad. Since 2000 has been doing research about graffiti and street art. Part of the organisation "Street Art Belgrade", author of the first VR exhibition of "Belgrade’s graffiti and street art", but most importantly is a licensed tour guide so that she can freely educate visitors on the streets which represent the actual museum/gallery for these visual expressions.
Architect Engineer MSC | MDes | MArts
Architect specialized in creative design and multimedia, Danai is a member of TETRAGON’s creative team dealing with architectural, graphic and interactive design concepts. Her main fields of work are design of digital interactive experiences for museums, cultural exhibitions and research projects. Last decade she has been awarded in several design competitions as a member of an architectural design team.
CEO & Co-founder at Cooperative Innovations
Simon has 23 years of designing, programming and producing games, virtual worlds and experiences. Since 2020 his team Cooperative Innovations have been developing Curatours, a virtual platform for multi-user museums, arts and heritage tours on any device.
Ahmet Rustem
Independent New Media Artist, TV Set Stage Designer who focus on gender, body, architecture and archeology. The focus of his work is on the relationships of the body and architecture. It focuses on spaces transformed with pleasure from a queer perspective. ARE uses the storytelling language of archaeological objects in created series that dealing with the relationship between gender, identity, architecture and the body.
Director of Digital Department, State Theatre Augsburg
She came of age in a galactic society of hackers, but went on to study Drama and American Literature in Vienna and Munich. She has worked in the past as lecturer for theatre history at the Akademie für Darstellende Kunst Bayern, as dramaturge at the Landestheater Oberpfalz and as specialist for digital communication at the State Theatre of Nuremberg. Founding member of the metalab Vienna and the Binary Kitchen Regensburg. Also part of the jury at the Dortmund Academy for Theatre and Digitality.
Chief Executive at The Academy of International Extended Reality
Experienced entrepreneur, advisor and chief executive of the AIXR, an industry leading, authoritative body supporting organizations that leverage immersive technology. Together with the academy team, Daniel built and leads an executive board made up of Meta, Disney, Microsoft, Google, Boeing and more. Acting on behalf of 150+ member companies, AIXR now steers and executes global initiatives and strategy aimed at accelerating growth for innovative technologies such as virtual and augmented reality and has extensive experience scaling and educating startups, SMEs and large corporate institutions.
Teams selected during the all-day event will be supported to exhibit their idea during the Beyond Expo, as well as the opportunity to present it in person to the expo visitors.
The organising bodies and the supporting XR experts will be happy to provide:
- Mentoring and guidance
- Technical know-how and information
- Administrative assistance
METALOGUES is an initiative of the Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki conducted in cooperation with Malvi creative agency, supported by the Academy of International Extended Reality and TIF-Helexpo, and funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
METALOGUES is a program designed to meet your needs when it comes to adopting new approaches in cultural storytelling or the arts by means of Extended Reality (XR) technologies. The program aims to bring together individuals, organizations and entities from the European cultural space that have an active interest or are involved in XR projects in their field, along with XR professionals and companies that have created or have participated in similar cultural endeavours, with the purpose of advancing cross-sectoral dialogue and empowering international cooperation. METALOGUES provides a digital and physical platform for networking, knowledge transfer, development and promotion of cultural XR ventures taken up between actors in the European cultural and technological scenes.
Applications are now open for your participation at METALOGUES2022. Individuals such as artists, curators, educators and researchers, and formal or informal entities such as artistic groups and collectives, art galleries, museums, cultural centres, theatre and concert halls, from all-over Europe, are invited to apply for participation in the 2022 edition of Metalogues, which will unfold in 3 parts throughout the year.